How to Start Blogging in Pakistan in 2023? Beginner’s Guide 2023

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Are you ready to start your own blog and share your ideas with the world? Then look no further! In this guide, we’ll show you how to start blogging in Pakistan in 2023 and make it a success.

From selecting the perfect platform to creating engaging content, promoting your blog, and monetizing it effectively, we’ve got you covered.

So, let’s get started on your blogging journey today!

What is a Blog?

Before we dive into “How to Start Blogging in Pakistan?”, I like to explain what is a blog? A blog is an online platform or website that features written content, such as articles or posts, that are regularly updated by the author or authors.

Blogs can cover a wide range of topics, from personal experiences and opinions to news, politics, lifestyle, and entertainment. They allow individuals or businesses to share their thoughts, ideas, and expertise with a global audience, and to engage with readers through comments and social media.

Additionally, blogs can serve as a powerful tool for marketing, branding, and building a community of followers.

What is Blogging?

Blogging is like keeping a diary or a journal, but online for everyone to see. Instead of writing in a book that only you can read, you write on a website or a blog that anyone with internet access can read. You can write about anything that interests you, such as your hobbies, favorite foods, or even your thoughts and feelings.

Blogging allows you to share your ideas, thoughts, and opinions with the world. You can also use your blog to connect with other people who have similar interests and to learn from others. By regularly updating your blog with new posts, you can build a community of followers who enjoy reading your content and interacting with you.

Blogging can also be a way to make money. If your blog becomes popular, you can earn money through advertising, sponsorships, or selling products or services. So, if you enjoy writing and want to share your ideas with the world, blogging can be a fun and rewarding hobby or career path to explore.

600 million blogs are on the internet today, Do you believe this? Yes, it is true and with every passing second, 10 new blogs are added to these. Why don’t you add your blog to this counting?

How to Start Blogging in Pakistan in 9 Simple Steps.

I took too long to discover these amazing but very simple steps to Start a Successful Blog and Make Money from it. I proudly present these to you and I am 100% sure that if you will follow these you will definitely succeed.

9 Steps How to Start a Blogging in Pakistan 2023
9 Steps How to Start a Blogging in Pakistan 2023

9 Easy Steps to Start Blogging in Pakistan and Make Money.

If you are still reading this, it means that you are very serious to start a blog and want to make money from blogging. The following are the basic steps to start a blog in Pakistan,

  • Choose Your Blog Niche.
  • Select The Perfect Domain Name.
  • Get Fast and Reliable Web Hosting
  • Install WordPress on Your Blog.
  • Create Blog. (Installing Theme a& Plugins and Designing).
  • Create Content. (Blog Posts).
  • Do SEO for Your Blog.
  • Promote Your Blog on Social Media.
  • Monetize Your Blog. (AdSense, Ezoic, Adsettera).

Step-1 Choose Your Blog Niche.

Choosing a blog niche is always an important and confusing task for new bloggers when they decide to Start a Money Making Blog. This is the very first and crucial step to creating a blog, So take your time and choose wisely.

Choose Your Blog Niche to Start Blogging
Choose Your Blog Niche to Start Blogging

You know 99% of bloggers leave blogging because they don’t choose the right niche for their blog and only 1% succeeded because of choosing the perfect niche.

I also thought about how to pick a niche for my blog and after long research, I finally got some practical and effective tips on how to choose a good and in-demand niche for a blog. Let’s find out what the tips are?

Expertise in Niche.

The first thing to keep in mind when you are going to choose a niche for your blog is your expertise. Choose the niche according to your expertise. It will help you to find new ideas for creating informative content for your readers.

In-Demand and Profitable.

The second most important part is to check the value of your niche. Check if is it in demand and profitable or not? if people are not searching for your niche on the search engine then it is useless to choose that niche so choose wisely.

Micro Niche.

Expert divided niches into two main types (Macro and Micro Niches) but I divide them into three (Macro. Micro and Nano Niches.)

Macro Niche: It is a broad type of niche (Not Recommended)

Micro Niche: It is a little narrow type of niche (Not Recommended)

Nano Niche: It is our target type of niche. (Recommended)

Step-2 Select the Perfect Domain Name.

Congratulations on choosing a niche for your blog. Now as you have chosen the niche for your blog, it’s time to set up a domain with the best and fast hosting for your blog. Choosing a domain name and good hosting are the most important steps in starting a money-making blog.

Setup Your Blog to Start Blogging
Setup Your Blog to Start Blogging

What is a Domain?

Your website name is called DOMAIN on the internet. It should be unique and easy to remember for the visitors/readers. So you have to buy a domain name for your blog and with this unique domain name, people will find your blog on the internet.

Although Google didn’t set any criteria for domain names, you can also use your name in your blog domain name. I personally recommend that your blog domain name must have the following criteria,

  • Your blog name should be Short, attractive, unique, and easy to remember.
  • Include your niche in your blog domain (Recommended).
  • .com domain is powerful so choose a .com domain for your blog
  • Don’t use numbers in your blog domain name

Step-3 Get Fast and Reliable Web Hosting.

The third step to starting a blog in Pakistan is to choose reliable, fast hosting for your blog. Hosting is the platform that makes your blog live on the internet for the users. Fast hosting help to improve your blog presence and user experience.

What is Web Hosting?

Web hosting is a service that allows individuals or businesses to make their websites accessible on the Internet. In simpler terms, web hosting is like renting a space on the internet to store all the files and content that make up your website.

When you start a blog, you need web hosting in order to make your blog accessible to anyone who wants to read it. This means that your blog’s files, such as text, images, and videos, are stored on a server that is maintained by a web hosting company.

Web hosting is essential for starting a blog because it provides the space and resources necessary to store and display your content to the world. Without web hosting, your blog would not be accessible on the internet, and no one would be able to read your posts or interact with your blog.

I personally like and recommend HOSTINGER for any type of Blog. Hostinger is one of the best and cheapest web hosts on the internet right now for new bloggers just like YOU!

Hostinger-The Best Web Hosting.

So, Are you ready to get hosting for your blog? A little Excited hmmm? Me too. Open Hostinger page and click the Get Started button to check all the features of Hostinger.

Choose the Best Web Hosting to Host Your Blog
Choose the Best Web Hosting to Host Your Blog

Feature of Hostinger (Prices and Plans).

I personally advise the Premium Shared Web Hosting of Hostinger for you. What you’ll get into this plan,

  • It’s only $2.99/per month
  • Free Domain worth $10 for a year
  • 100 Website
  • Free SSL
  • and many more

Step-4 Install WordPress on Your Blog.

To install WordPress on your blog and start blogging in Pakistan, you can follow these simple steps:

  1. Choose a web hosting provider that supports WordPress installation. Many web hosts offer a one-click installation process for WordPress.
  2. Log in to your web hosting account and access the control panel, also known as cPanel.
  3. Look for the “WordPress” icon or the “Softaculous Apps Installer” icon and click on it.
  4. Follow the prompts to install WordPress. You will need to choose a domain name, select the directory where you want to install WordPress and set up your login credentials.
  5. Once WordPress is installed, you can log in to your WordPress dashboard and start customizing your blog. You can choose a theme, install plugins, and start creating posts and pages.

Installing WordPress is relatively easy and straightforward, even if you don’t have much technical experience. Most web hosts provide detailed instructions and support to help you through the process. Once you have WordPress installed, you can start creating content and sharing your ideas with the world through your blog.

Congrats, You have created your first blog and have installed WordPress on it.

Step-5 Create a Blog.

Follow the steps below to create a responsive and attractive Blog.

1-Free WordPress Theme Installing.

Your blog is looking very simple and clean to me let’s do some design work on it. Here, I need your design skills to design your blog to attract visitors. To design your blog you need an attractive and beautiful theme.

WordPress Theme Installing to Start Blogging
WordPress Theme Installing to Start Blogging

Now it so time to grab the attention of our visitors and readers with an attractive and beautiful theme. When a visitor land on our landing page he gets the first impression of our blog and as you know “First impression is the last impression” so give it your best with the most attractive theme if you want to make money from blogging for free.

What is a Theme?

WordPress theme is the layout and design of your blog. These themes will help you to give your blog an attractive and responsive look for visitors.

Your chosen theme should be,

  • Very Clean, Simple, and attractive
  • 100% responsive for all devices (Mobile, tablet, and Desktop)
  • Compatible with Browsers and Plugins
  • Have good security features

There are hundreds and thousands of Free and Paid themes available out there, Choose the best one according to your niche and blog.

The Best, Free, and Premium Themes.

Let me help you to choose one of the best themes for your blog,

  • GeneratePress
  • Schema
  • Astra Pro
  • OceanWP
  • Kadence
  • Neve
  • Cenote
  • Poseidon
  • Lovecraft
  • Writee

How to Add/Upload New Theme?

You can add or upload a new theme from your WordPress dashboard,

Click on Appearance > Theme > Add New or Upload

Upload Important Plugins.

You are creating a very good blog yet, Keep it Up. Now we will add or upload some new and important plugins on our blog to design, security, and speed optimization.

Uploading Plugins to Start Blogging
Uploading Plugins to Start Blogging

To Add or Upload a New Plugin on your website you have to go to,

Plugins > Add New > Search for Free Plugins and Upload for Premium Ones,

The following is the list of plugins, You should add some of them to your blog to get better performance and results.

1-Page Builder Plugins.

These plugins will help you to give a better look at your blog to the visitors,

  • Elementor (Free or Paid): The best page builder in the world for beginners.
  • WPBakery: Another amazing page builder for bloggers.
  • Divi Page Builder: An advance and effective page builder for bloggers.

2-Security Plugins.

For security, you should be more careful and must upload one of the following plugins,

  • Sucuri.
  • Jetpack.
  • Wordfence.
  • All In One WP Security.
  • Anti-Malware Security and Brute Force Firewall.
  • WPScan.

3-Speed Optimation Plugins.

Blog speed matters a lot so focus to speed up your blog with the help of the following plugins,

  • WP Rocket
  • LiteSpeed Cache.
  • WP Fastest Cache.
  • W3 Total Cache.
  • WP-Optimize.
  • WP Super Cache.

4-Plugins for Image Optimization.

Most image takes time to upload on the blog and make your blog speed slow so it is better to optimize your images.

  • Short pixel
  • Smush
  • Tinypng
  • EWWW
  • Optimus

5-Backup Plugins.

Just so you know, backup is always recommended, and so do I. All your effort and work will be safe with the help of these fantastic plugins.

  • BackupBuddy
  • UpDraftPlus
  • JetPack

6-SEO Plugins.

These plugins will help you to do SEO for your blog and rank higher in search engines.

  • Yoast SEO
  • RankMath
  • All-In-One SEO Pack

I think I have completed the important plugins list for you. You can choose and upload as per your requirement.

6-Create Content For Your Blog.

Now, this is the part where you need your complete focus because it will decide the future of your blog. I am sure if you will complete this step of starting a blog in Pakistan in 2023 with interest and concentration, Nobody can stop you to start a blog and make money from blogging.

Write a Blog Post to Start Blogging
Write a Blog Post to Start Blogging

To write an SEO-optimized and user-friendly blog post, I am giving you very very important tips below. Read these and do 100% accordingly you will be a good blog post writer soon. I promise you that.

  • Select a Niche: As we have discussed above, Your niche will be a Micro niche and the most in-demand, profitable, and narrow niche will be a great decision. A niche with hundreds of blog post ideas will work for you for a long time.
  • Keyword Research: Keyword research is the success of blog post writing. Complete your keyword research before start writing a blog post. There are tons of tools available out there that will help you to find the right keyword for your blog post topic.
  • Use Long-Tail Keywords: Use long-tail keywords, it will help you to rank fast and higher in the search engines.
  • Use Attractive Title: A blog post title always grabs the attention of the readers so use an attention-grabbing and attractive title for your blog post.
  • Use Headings & Sub-Headings: Divide all your content into Headings and Sub-Heading to understand. it will help to improve your user experience.
  • Use Images to Define More: Images are the best way to communicate your thinking, Use where ever you need to express yourself in a better way.

Step-7 Do SEO for Your Blog.

What is SEO?, Search Engine Optimization is the process to prepare your blog for all search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo. If you will do proper SEO of your blog then no need to worry about anything else.

Actually, I have covered this SEO from Step 1 to Step 7. If you focus on these steps and follow them correctly, 70% of your blog SEO will be completed.

But some important tips are also covered below,

A Few Tips of SEO.

  • Don’t use WordPress’s default permalink structure. Change it to post name instantly, If you don’t this will destroy your blog in seconds.
  • Never use Date or Year in your URL.
  • Install the SEO plugin for better results.
  • Make and Submit a Sitemap in Google Search Console for better results and instant ranking.

Step-8 Promote Your Blog.

This is the final step of starting a money-making blog in 2023 and in this part, you will tell the world about your blog through social media networks.

Promote Your Blog on Social Media
Promote Your Blog on Social Media

Although you are creating unique, informative, and useful content if you don’t promote it in the right way you will be out of the blogging world in a short time.

I am sure that you have some social media network accounts like Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, Tiktok, Twitter, etc. Now it’s time to use these accounts for a better purpose and promote your blog and make really good money from it.

  • Network: Use your inner and outer circles to make a network and promote your blog.
  • Social Media: Use all your social media network to promote your blog and make an online presence.
  • Join Q&A Forums: Join the Q&A Forum and invite people to your blog by giving them answers and value.
  • Make Short Videos: Make Short videos about your blog like Tiktok, Facebook Reels, Google Reels, etc
  • Ads: Use different Ads networks to run ads.
  • E-Mail Marketing: You can also use email marketing to promote your blog.

Step-9 Monetize Your Blog. (AdSense, Ezoic).

This is the most important part when you are planning to make money from Blogging. Monetize your Blog with AdSense or Ezoic. Both are the most popular and famous platforms to get monetize and start making money online with your Blog.

Conclusion: How to Start Blogging in Pakistan?

Starting a blog in Pakistan in 2023 can be a great way to share your thoughts, connect with like-minded individuals, and earn a living. With the right approach and mindset, anyone can create a successful blog in Pakistan.

By following the tips and tricks outlined in this guide, you can choose the perfect platform, create high-quality content, promote your blog, and monetize it effectively.

So, what are you waiting for? Start your blogging journey today and make your mark in the Pakistani blogosphere.

1 thought on “How to Start Blogging in Pakistan in 2023? Beginner’s Guide 2023”

  1. اللّه پاک میرے بھائی کو خوب خوب ترقی دے اتنا کامیاب کرے کے سب ہاتھ اٹھا اٹھا ایسا نصیب اللہ سے مانگے ۔آمین


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